House rules


Approved by the board of Sameiet Vannkunsten, board meeting 04.08.2020.


The Vannkunsten sameiet (joint ownership housing) should be a great place to live, with a good

neighborhood. All residents should contribute to creating a good living environment, characterized by a sense of responsibility for each other.

In the house rules, emphasis is placed on well-being and development for the individual resident, at the same time as consideration for the community is sought. The purpose of the house rules is not to impose unnecessary obligations on the residents, but to ensure peace, well-being and security, as well as a good neighborhood.

Residents are obliged to follow the house rules and the joint ownership housing’s Articles of association and are responsible for ensuring that these are complied with by everyone in the household and others who are given access to the home.

Residents are obliged to familiarize themselves with the FDV (information on management, operation and maintenance) documentation with regard to maintenance and injury prevention. The FDV is available online via the resident portal,

The Vannkunsten joint ownership housing’s Articles of association are available on our website,

The Articles of association contain e.g. provisions governing rental activity.

Vannkunsten has an agreement with a security company. On behalf of Vannkunsten, the board is responsible for enforcing the house rules. If there is a breach in keeping of the house rules so that the security company is called, the section owner will be charged for the costs that this entails. The board points out that house riots or other serious violations of the house rules can lead to consequences for the ownership of the person in question.



The apartment should not be used so that this leads to embarrassment for others. It should be quiet between 23:00 and 07:00 every weekday. On weekends and public holidays, it should be quiet between 23:00 and at 09:00.

If a party or other social activity is to be arranged in the apartment or on the terrace that may cause noise, adjacent neighbors must be notified one day in advance.

In the case of rehabilitation work that creates a lot of noise, such as hammering, grinding, using a drill or drilling in concrete, notice on which apartment and contact information must be posted on the house notice board in the stairwell / message on the house facebook page and by email to the board at least 24 hours before start-up, with information on the name and time for when the work applies.

Noisy work can only be carried out in the period from 9 am until 5 pm on weekdays, and from noon until 3 pm on Saturdays. Noisy work shall not be carried out on Sundays and on public holidays. The name of the responsible practitioner and a telephone number must be included on notices and information emails to the board.



Residents must keep balconies and terraces tidy.

Ventilation and drying of clothes can take place on balconies as long as it is not hung higher than the balcony edge. It is not permitted to knock, shake or air clothes beyond the balcony edge.

It is allowed to use an electric grill and gas grill, but not a charcoal grill. It is not permitted to hang outdoor lighting, including seasonal lighting, which is a significant nuisance to other residents.

Flower boxes should be placed inside the railing. This is justified by both safety and aesthetic considerations.

When installing equipment on the balcony / terrace, the USBL service center must be used.

Provided that due consideration is given to other section owners, smoking is permitted on the balconies.

Cigarette butts or other forms of trash must not be let over the balcony edge.

The board has prepared its own guidelines for decorating the façade, balcony and terrace, and these are available on the Vannkunsten website.



The stairwells are an escape route in the event of a fire. Therefore, no one must leave prams, sports equipment, bicycles or other irrelevant objects here.

Faults in automatic locks on doors to storage areas and garage facilities must be reported via the Resident Portal. Doors to storage areas, bicycle parking and garage facilities must be locked as much as possible.

The purpose of the intercom is to prevent unauthorized access to the building. The individual resident is responsible for who is admitted to the stairwells.

It is not permitted to post advertisements, notices or the like in the common areas, with the exception of on the notice boards installed by Vannkunsten specifically for this purpose.

Cleaning of common rooms, stairwells and corridors is performed by the hired cleaning staff. The expenses are charged to the co-owners as joint expenses.



The Vannkunsten common areas must be kept tidy and free of waste. The common areas must not be used in such a way that it is of significant nuisance to others or can cause damage to the surroundings.

It is not permitted to have small boats permanently in the common area.

Bicycle parking is referred to permanently mounted bicycle racks between the buildings, or in the areas and rooms marked for bicycle parking in the basement. Otherwise, bicycles should be stored in separate premises.

Storage of bicycles in other common areas, such as stairwells, floor rest areas and walkways are not permitted.



The garbage room is located in House 2, Operagata 63.



It is allowed to keep animals, provided that this is not to the embarrassment or inconvenience of other Co-owners.

The following provisions apply to animal husbandry:

It is assumed that the owner of the animal is familiar with the police statutes regarding animal husbandry and the penalty provisions that apply to keeping animals.

The owner of the animal must immediately remove excrements that the animal may leave on Vannkunsten’s area.

The owner of the animal is responsible and liable for any damage that the animal may cause upon a person or property.

If there are justified complaints in writing, the board can demand that the animal be removed, if an amicable settlement with the complainant cannot be reached. A justified complaint may be that the animal husbandry significantly bothers the neighbor by way of smell, noise or in some other way is to the detriment of any person or the neighborhood. In case of doubt, the board decides after negotiations with the parties whether a complaint is justified.



In a project like Vannkunsten, it is very important to take care of the visual expression that the architects have created, and any change to the façade is not allowed without the board's approval. Ref. to §5, the board has prepared its own guidelines for decorating the façade and interior common

areas, including mailbox signs.



The sewage system in Vannkunsten is located lower than Oslo's main sewage system, and must therefore accordingly be inflated by way of pumps. Throwing unauthorized objects into the toilet or drain can damage the pump system and incur additional costs for the Vannkunsten co-owners and tenants.

Grease, coffee grounds or anything else that can be obstructive and cause clogging must not be emptied

into a sink or drain. Only toilet paper must be used for the WC. Unauthorized items (e.g. plastic, rubber, wet wipes, tampons, etc.) must not be thrown into the toilet. The apartment owner is responsible for informing about this to guests, tenants, the cleaning agency, and others who are given access to the home or premises. If objects are introduced that block the apartment’s drain, the section owner resident can be held financially responsible.



These House rules are established in addition to the Articles of Association. Each individual apartment owner / resident is responsible for ensuring that they are followed by everyone in the household, tenants and other residents who are given access to the home.

Inquiries, complaints, etc. regarding tenancies, house rules and other matters are directed to the board by email: All inquiries to the board are treated confidentially.

Complaints must be expeditely processed and, as a general rule, answered in writing by the board within 30 days.

The Facebook group “Sameiet Vannkunsten” is not an official communication platform for the board.

If common areas in Vannkunsten have been damaged or littered, the costs for repairs/clean-up will be charged to the responsible section owner through USBL.



Changes to house rules can take place at the annual meeting with a simple majority of those present.

Attendees are also considered to be those who attend by proxy. Proposals for such changes must be received by the board more than 60 days before the annual meeting takes place.

Proposals are prepared by the board and published as soon as they are in place.